The story behind "phoqueselfies . . ."
By Leah Vu on • 0 Comments
When I first launched Jätlag I didn't have any social media accounts. I created my Facebook and Instagram accounts solely for Jätlag. At first I played by the "rules" and diligently posted regularly on my accounts. As time wore on I became disillusioned with the narcissism and insincerity rife on social media. Simply put -- narcissism makes me unhappy. I think it also makes many of us unhappy, but because social media has become so entrenched in our lives we are becoming more desensitized to narcissism and even actively participating in the selfie culture without a thought. Ironically, this culture has brought out the ugly in people. I was complaining to a friend that I only had just over 100 followers on Instagram despite posting regularly and organizing photo shoots to produce high-quality photos to show off my bags and brand. Here's how the conversation went: Me: This guy has thousands of followers and he only posts selfies with his shirt off in his bathroom mirror. Friend: People like seflies. Selfies get "likes". Me: Well, fuck selfies. I don't want to take selfies. In fact, P - H - O - Q - U - E seflies. Haha . . . hey wait, that's it!!!! Friend:...